Category: Archive


SLCHI Election

Election of the Council of the Sri Lanka College of Health Informatics Year 2024/2025 Following the successful conclusion of the elections held on 15th December 2023, the Election Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of the new Council members of the Sri Lanka College of Health Informatics.    Office Name President Chaminda Weerabaddana Secretary […]


SLCHI Academic Sessions 2023

The opening ceremony of the inaugural academic sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Health Informatics was held on 15th December 2023 at the UCFM Tower of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. The Secretary Health, Dr P. G. Mahipala attended as the Chief Guest. Prof Vajira Dissanayake, The Dean of the Faculty of […]


Convergence Workshop on Digital Health Governance Sri Lankan perspective

A convergence meeting is where national implementers, stakeholders, and international digital health experts can come together to share experiences, outline national digital health needs, align them with the available resources, and closely collaborate with stakeholders for resource mobilization. The process is designed to be general and universal in many respects and, therefore, flexible enough for adaptation […]